Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Home again. Maggie was discharged this morning. She spent the last 24 hours making up for those missed feedings yesterday. Her recovery in the hospital was quick and without any drama. She stayed to be monitored overnight just because of her age, otherwise this is an outpatient surgery.

Maggie is now sleeping peacefully and getting the rest she needs to feel better. I'm so happy to have her home again.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Maggie is out of surgery and doing fine! She is such a brave girl. She couldn't eat several hours before surgery and we were so worried that she would cry for hours, but she was a rock star. Jeff gave her a bottle of fortified B milk at 6 am and pedialyte at 8:30. That was all she had until after surgery. While we waited she just slept. Such a relief to us, especially since she was more than an hour late going in to surgery!

Her right inguinal hernia was repaired and she did not have a hernia on the left. She came out of surgery just fine. I was able to nurse her at 4:30. She is taking Tylenol and Advil for pain.

We are at U of M Amplatz Children's hospital. I don't like it here. It makes me so sad to hear little kids and babies crying. I pray that we never have to bring our girls here for anything. I am thankful that Maggie is doing as great as she is. I look forward to weeks we don't need to see doctors or nurses or have to deal with shots or surgeries. It seems to be one thing after another. I'm just so exhausted. Good thing Maggie isn't too phased by all of this! I should take a page from her playbook on how to be calm, cool and collected.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Maggie and I spent the morning at the clinic. Last night I noticed she might have a hernia in her groin, so I made an appointment to get her checked out this morning. Sure enough, it's as I expected.

We have to take her on Monday to the U of M to consult with a surgeon. The doctor we saw today says it's pretty likely that they will have to operate. The doctor said that preemies are more prone to hernias.

It doesn't seem to hurt her, but we have to keep a close eye on Maggie until her Monday appointment to make sure things don't change.

On a more positive note, Maggie weighed 6 lbs 13 oz today. She's been growing an ounce a day this past week. That expains all of the frequent feedings.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Synagis Fun

Today Maggie got her Synagis shot, which was administered by a home health nurse. Jeff and I were shocked to learn how much each dose costs. We had to get it delivered via FedEx from a specialtly pharmacy. Maggie is going to get these shots once a month during RSV season - which goes through April in Minnesota.

Maggie is doing just great. She weighed 6 lbs 11 ounces today. She's been eating every 2 hours today, a sign that she's growing!

Maggie is spending more time awake. She now likes to hang out after she eats. Tonight we read bedtime stories to both girls. Cece layed right next to her sister on the floor and gave her kisses while we read Goodnight Moon. Too cute!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Two Months Old Already?!

Our girl is growing! Today we took Maggie and Cece to the pediatrician (Maggie's two month visit and Cece's 18 month). I'm happy to report that Maggie is now 6 pounds 6 ounces!!! Maggie's due date was Monday, so she's now 5 days corrected age (9 weeks already). The doctor's visit was quite a production, with the snow falling today our travel time was insane, plus both girls had to get shots. Lots of tears. Not fun.

Cece was very sad to see her sister get shots and get blood drawn. Maggie's hemoglobin needed to be checked because she was born so early she didn't get all of her iron stores from me.

We have a nurse coming tomorrow for Maggie's Synagis shot (RSV immunity booster). That was quite an ordeal to get scheduled. I don't know how many people and companies and clinics I needed to talk to this week. I'm finally seeing the inefficiencies of our healthcare system.

On the home front, Maggie moved up to her beautiful new room before Thanksgiving and is sleeping so well in her crib. Her room is much warmer than the rest of our drafty old house, so I think it's helping her grow! We moved some of Cece's toys up there, too, so she has some fun things to play with if we're nursing, or changing diapers, etc.

I have lots of new pictures of our cutie pie, which I'll have to add when I get a free moment. We're still trying to figure out how to coordinate the demands of a newborn and 18 month old. Thankfully, Cece is getting better at keeping herself entertained and is sleeping through the night again. The first week with Maggie, Cece would wake up in the middle of the night, so were dealing with two kids in the wee hours.

We are looking forward to getting ready for the holidays and hope to spend time with family and friends.