Sunday, January 31, 2010

I can pull myself up

About a week ago, Cece mastered pulling herself up. It was a Friday afternoon and Bridget was home with Cece. She'd been working on her new skill all week, but nailed it on Friday when she managed to pull herself up from her tummy by pulling on her monkey jungle gym. She now can pull herself up to standing on just about anything. Here she is in her crib. She managed to do this today. Thank goodness we lowered her crib a few weeks ago! It's truly amazing at how much she's growing and changing. She's no longer a tiny little baby! We're watching her constantly because she's now getting into everything, inch-worming around, pulling herself up, sometimes falling down. She's very much into doing things for herself! Practice makes perfect. Plus, look at how proud she is! Way to go kiddo!

Water Baby

Cece has been taking swim class at Como Elementary the past few Saturdays. It's a therapeutic pool, so it's nice and warm. The class scene is a bit crazy, with dozens of toddlers and babies. She's a natural born swimmer and loves the water. Splashing, kicking, floating. Class is during her morning nap time, so she sometimes decides to catch a few Z's as she's floating around. Cece even has a friend in class, Treva. Treva's parents were in birth class with us at Fairview and Treva was delivered a few days after Cece. Small world. Class goes through mid-March, so she'll be all set for future aquatic activities this summer! Highland pool, here we where's the 90 degree weather???

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Changing so fast

Cece has changed so much in the last few months. She's really mastered her mobility, taking her inch-worm skills to new high-speed levels. She's all over the house! Kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms - so many places to explore.

Also, she's really become a good eater! She's starting to really get the hang of dinner time, feeding herself tasty finger foods like Tater Tot Hotdish (a favorite), Veggie and Rice Stir-Fry, and cereal with blueberries!

We just love her personality - always laughing, exploring, acting silly. She has a special squak/squeek she does when she sees someone she likes - Ole, Mommy, Daddy, her cousin Briton. Too cute (perhaps we're biased).